When you choose an Envision therapist you can have confidence that your therapist is a trustworthy professional. Envision Counseling Clinic has a commitment to:
High Standards
Envision therapists face a thorough hiring process to be part of our team. We meet with them several times to make sure they are skilled professionals that can provide solid mental health care. Prior to being hired, all of our therapists take an assessment that shows they have stability in their own mental health and relationships. We also like to make sure they have a sense of humor (if you’ve known many therapists, you know why this is a thing).
Our leadership checks in with our therapists to ensure that all bases are being covered. Our therapists complete records and invoices the same day their sessions occur. Timely records and invoices means accuracy, clarity and availability when questions arise. We do not tolerate unacceptable behavior from our therapists.
None of our therapists work alone. We consult regularly with each other to provide the best care for our clients. Envision provides our therapists with community in order to nourish and sustain their ability to care ethically for clients. Our therapists don’t have to guess about legal or ethical dilemmas; when our therapists have questions, we answer them.
When a counseling clinic is organized, customers can relax. We’ve built a system for 10 years to make sure you will be taken care of and not fall through the cracks. Calls get answered. Emails are returned. There are very few crises at Envision.
Continued Training
Envision values growth and learning. Our therapists continually hone and expand their skills through continuing education. We encourage our therapists to review the ethics code on a regular basis. They keep up with new possibilities to help you move forward. You can be assured that your therapist will use effective treatments.
Christian Identity
When clients are interested, Envision therapists are able to integrate Christian faith into therapy. Each of us has an identity based in Christ and we love to help clients lean into their relationship with God.